#voltz wars
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ingapotejtoo · 1 year ago
i’ve never done this before & obviously this is not forced despite your reblog but uh, may i humbly request sparklez fam (jordan, tubbo, & crumb) or voltz wars researchers? (i miss them both)
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i miss them too :( voltz wars beloved,, taken from us so damn soon o7
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robos-archive · 2 years ago
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The crowd favorite! I got a lot better at drawing captain later on! -Aug 20, 2021
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sweetie-peaches · 7 months ago
Almost said voltz was when talking about vault hunters literally kill me
My wife
My wife voltz wars tubbo
(He barely existed but my wife 😭😭😭)
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lunarblazes · 7 months ago
sometimes i do think about voltz wars and go insane. and that’s okay. it happens,
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fishbonedotcom · 2 years ago
Thinking about Voltz wars in this chilis tonight
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robo-oil · 2 years ago
A message from the Voltz Wars fans:)
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And this is the transition to the next chapter! from here on out... its no longer Voltz Wars
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ravioliet · 2 years ago
hhhmm i just remembered that my Voltz Wars fixation existed and now i am heavily considering stealing the researchers and making them into my ocs
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mr-knowitall96420 · 6 months ago
Voltz wars Ranboo is literally my Roman Empire I was so sad when it got canceled due to lack of interest 😔
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the-kinfesssional · 10 months ago
[ for the canon differences ask game! ]
(we’ll probably use this format for future ask games btw, we love bullet points! we tried to keep the special text to a minimum, but if you would like less we’ll try to use less in the future! the special text just lets us read it better in a format related way)
man, where would we even start??? there’s about 40 of us fictionkins so far, so i guess we’ll just list some random stuff & who it’s from using the format [Source/Full Name, Source]
EX [Evil Xisuma, Hermitcraft] (mod EX from over on @/hermitcraftkinfessions!) got banned to the void by their twin, Xisuma, on accident instead of on purpose
Scythe [Scythe/Rifle, PHIGHTING! (Roblox)] has a ton of differences from canon, but three of the most notable ones is that 1; instead of a cult it’s basically the mafia she’s involved with (mostly cuz of her ‘bio’ family, which is another difference), 2; she’s 46 instead of 42 (not in the future, she’s just a bit older than her canon-canon self), & 3; she’s married to Windforce & thus is Ban Hammer’s step(?)-mom (we’re in contact with her Ban :3)
Dan/RT [Daniel/RTGame, mixed-MC(YT)verse/sort of RT Miitopia (NOT the CC!!! our version of the C!!! /srs)] adopted Chat [Twitch Chat, RT Miitopia/mixed-MC(YT)verse, not our fictkin but one of our best friend’s fictkins], Cupcake [RT Miitopia/mixed-MC(YT)verse/sort of Pokémon], & Dread [(name references Existential Dread but they just go by) Dread, RT Miitopia/sort of mixed-MC(YT)verse]
Marie is April’s [Agent 4, Splatoon] adoptive mother, & thus Callie is her adoptive aunt & Craig Cuttlefish is their adoptive (great?)grandfather
Voltz [Ranboo, Voltz Wars (on YouTube, unfortunately shelved)] actually met Jack & Tubbo & befriended them, & also the Captain has basically adopted him. they also really like spaghetti for some reason.
Sailor [Sailor Waddle Dee, Kirby game series] is transfem she/they, & is bio cousins with Bandee [Bandana Waddle Dee, Kirby game series] who is transmasc he/they
this got really long, we tend to do that, we apologize 😔
It's okay. That's interesting.
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spiderziege · 2 years ago
im interested! also just wanted to try out polls lol
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quaranmine · 2 years ago
i swear tumblr keeps making me follow random mcyt related tags
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petraevesplace · 2 years ago
Flower Language for Jugdral, Pt. 11
Elliot- Yellow Jonquil: I desire a return of affection, self-absorption, ego, persistence, desire
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Voltz- Moonwort: Money, sincerity, honesty
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Eve/Eva/Alva- Laurestine: Devoted to you, I die if neglected,
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Andrey- Barberry: Sourness of temper, sharpness, petulance
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Corrine- Balloon Flower: Friendship, enduring love, honesty, long term affection, fidelity, desire for a friend to return
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Vampa/Fetra/Eliu- Witch Hazel: Protection, inspiration, magic
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Coruta- Lapageria: There is no unalloyed good
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Brian- Dogwood: Durability, reliability, strength, resilience, regret, affection for someone who may not reciprocate it
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Scipio- Birdsfoot Trefoil: Revenge, retribution
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robos-archive · 1 year ago
The last one! BUT I forgot I made another one before this so not the last post
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this is the last Voltz Wars art as of recently before I transition to Voltz Vectus In order for Voltz Vectus to stand alone, no more Voltz Wars art :/ if you look at the start here, I improved a lot! heck!- this is old so I improved from here too! I thank the community of Voltz Wars for giving me the courage to open up and lead me here! AND THANK YOU, for seeing my art :D -Mar 31, 2022
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starshiprangerash · 2 years ago
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aroaceacacia · 1 year ago
it needs to look worse i need more bad acting and terrible mic quality and weird editing and scuttling around like bugs and npcs and weird plotlines that dont make sense and i need more series that are dropped, forever unfinished, and more series that are hastily wrapped up so quickly that nothing is truly resolved
i dont watch "minecraft roleplay" for the production value
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biggie-chcese · 3 months ago
oh your a fire emblem fan? Name every fire emblem character
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light (+ remake and sequel)
playable: marth, caeda, jagen, cain, abel, draug, gordin, wrys, ogma, barst, bord, cord, castor, darros, julian, lena, navarre, merric, matthis, hardin, wolf, sedgar, roshea, vyland, wendell, rickard, bantu, caesar, radd, roger, jeorge, maria, minerva, linde, jake, midia, dolph, macellan, tomas, boah, beck, astram, palla, catria, est, arran, samson, xane, tiki, lorenz (FE1), elice, gotoh, frey, norne, athena, horace, etzel, ymir, nagi
non-playable: mostyn, malledus, anna (and every following iteration that isnt playable), nyna, aurelys, anri, cornelius, liza, miloah, naga (let's slash out future iterations too), adrah, artemis, cartas, marion, iote, ordwin, ludwik, jiol, camus, michalis, gharnef, medeus, gazzak, gomer, hyman, bentheon, merach, emereus, harmein, kannival, mannu, zharov, khozen, volzhin, heimler, grigas, hollstadt, morzas, sternlin, orridyon, xemcel (me when i'm an incel with pronouns), rumel, rucke, gail, toras, dahl, yodel, eibel, willow, nehring
Fire Emblem Gaiden + Echoes
playable: alm, lukas, gray, tobin, kliff, silque, clair, clive, forsyth, python, luthier, mathilda, delthea, tatiana, zeke, mycen, celica, mae, boey, genny, saber, valbar, kamui, leon, atlas, jesse, sonya, deen, nomah, faye, fernand, emma, shade, yuzu, randal
non-playable: mila, duma, rudolf, massena, jedah, marla, hestia, dolth, jamil, desaix, slayde, barth, garth, lawson, gazelle, zakson, blake, wolff, grieth, mikhail, garcia, tatarrah, nuibaba, seazas, xaizor, magnus, mueller, jerome, gharn, hades, argentum, aurum, cerberus, naberius, liprica, halcyon, lima IV, irma, berkut, rinea, forneus, jarth
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
playable: sigurd, alec, naoise, arden, azelle, lex, quan, ethlyn, finn, midir, edain, dew, ayra, jamke, deirdre, chulainn, lachesis, beowolf, lewyn, silvia, erinys, tailtiu, claud, brigid, seliph, lana/muirne, larcei/creidne, scáthach/dalvin, oifey, diarmuid/tristan, lester/deimne, julia, fee/hermina, arthur/amid, iuchar, iucharba, shannan, patty/daisy, leif, nanna/jeanne, finn, ares, lene/laylea, tine/linda, febail/asaello, ced/hawk, hannibal, coirpre/charlot, altena
non-playable: oifey, arvis, shannan, mariccle, mananan, eldigan, grahnye, manfroy, sandima, kurth, victor, cigyun, lahna, dimaggio, gerrard, filat, munnir, cimbaeth, batu, imuka, eve, alva, eva, elliot, philip, boldor, macbeth, voltz, clement, zyne, chagall, jacobi, papilio, pizarl, dobarl, myos, daccar, annand, cuvuli, pamela, díthorba, donovan, lamia, slayder, vaja, byron, ring, andrey, lombard, reptor, travant, magorn, azmur, aida, lewyn/forseti, julius, manfroy, arvis, bloom, hilda, ishtar, ishtore, harold, schmidt, danann, liza, vampa, fetra, eliu, bramsel, jabarro, muhammad, ovo, brian, scipio, kutuzov, coruta, maikov, kanatz, disler, travant, arion, jake, musar, judah, ridale, morigan, zagam, robert, boyce, rodan, felipe, palmark, yupheel, fisher, daggon, baran, meng, maybell, bleg, mus, bovis, tigris, lepus, draco, anguilla, equus, ovis, simia, gallus, canis, porcus, loptous, forseti, salamander, gair, maera, heim, baldr, hoðr, od, njörun, dáinn, nál, ullr, fjalar, thrud, ced, bragi, yudu
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
playable: leif, finn, eyvel, osian, halvan, dagdar, tanya, marty, ronan, lifis, safy, brighton, machyua, lara, fergus, karin, dalsin, asbel, nanna, hicks, shiva, carrion, selfina, cain, alva, robert, fred, olwen, mareeta, salem, perne, troude, tina, glade, deen, eda, homer, linoan, ralf, ilios, sleuf, sara, miranda, shannam, misha, xavier, amalda, conomor, diarmuid, saias, ced, galzus
non-playable: august, dryas, raydrik, veld, manfroy, julius, ishtar, reinhardt, kempf, bloom, seliph, julia, lewyn, travant, arion, altena, hannibal, coirpre, weissman, bucks, lobos, bandol, truman, aizenau, rumei, merlock, dobalzark, largo, gomes, oltof, cullough, baráth, seimetol, fraus, zaom, rist, baldack, paulus, makroy, codda, aihiman, brook, mua, nicolov, mueller, rinecok, palman, gustav, wolff, cowen, alfan, farden, coruta, zile, mus, bovis, tigris, draco, canis, porcus, yubel, romeo, carl
Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
playable: roy, marcus, alen, lance, wolt, bors, merlinus, elen, dieck, wade, lot, shanna, chad, lugh, clarine, rutger, saul, dorothy, sue, zelot, trec, noah, astolfo, lilina, gwendolyn, barthe, ogier, fir, sin, gonzalez, geese, klein, thea, larum, echidna, elffin, bartre, raigh, cath, melady, perceval, cecilia, sophia, igrene, garret, fae, hugh, zeiss, douglas, niime, juno, dayan, yoder, karel
non-playable: damas, rude, slater, erik, dory, wagner, devias, leygance, henning, scott, nord, zinc, scouran, oro, robarts, morgan, ain, gelero, flaer, randy, maggie, rose, ohtz, raeth, narcian, windham, arcard, martel, monke, sigune, gel, roartz, teck, thoril, brakul, kudoka, maral, kabul, chan, murdock, galle, pereth, zephiel, brunnya, jahn, idunn, guinivere, mordred
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
playable: mark, lyn, sain, kent, florina, wil, dorcas, serra, erk, rath, matthew, nils, lucius, wallace, eliwood, marcus, lowen, rebecca, bartre, hector, oswin, guy, merlinus, priscilla, raven, canas, dart, fiora, legault, ninian, isadora, heath, hawkeye, geitz, pent, louise, karel, harken, nino, jaffar, vaida, renault, athos, farina, karla
non-playable: eleanora, leila, elbert, kishuna, darin, nergal, uther, lloyd, linus, brendan, limstella, sonia, ursula, zephiel, guinivere, bramimond, batta, zugu, glass, migal, carjiga, bug, bool, heintz, beyard, yogi, eagler, lundgren, groznyi, wire, zagan, boies, puzon, erik, sealen, bauker, bernard, fargus, damian, zoldam, uhai, aion, teodor, cameron, oleg, eubans, jasmine, paul, pascal, kenneth, jerme, maxime, georg, kaim, denning, fire dragon, desmond, hellene, murdock, natalie, ephidel, jan, hausen, marquess araphen, helman, jake, igor, fae, sophia, roy, lilina, reissmann, roland, durban
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
playable: eirika, ephraim, seth, franz, gilliam, vanessa, moulder, ross, garcia, neimi, colm, artur, lute, natasha, joshua, forde, kyle, tana, amelia, innes, gerik, tethys, marisa, ewan, duessel, cormag, l'arachel, dozla, saleh, rennac, knoll, myrrh, syrene, orson, lyon
non-playable: fomortiis, vigarde, mansel, morva, pablo, klimt, dara, carlyle, o'neill, breguet, bone, bazba, bandit, saar, zonta, novala, murray, tirado, binks, gheb, aias, beran, saaga, nada kuya, melina, zethla, monica, zabba, mcgregor, caellach, riev, ismaire, selena, glen, hayden, valter, renais
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
playable: ike, titania, boyd, oscar, rhys, shinon, gatrie, soren, mia, ilyana, mist, rolf, marcia, lethe, mordecai, volke, kieran, brom, nephenee, zihark, sothe, jill, astrid, makalov, stefan, tormod, muarim, devdan, tanith, reyson, janaff, ulki, calill, tauroneo, ranulf, haar, bastian, lucia, geoffrey, largo, elincia, ena, nasir, naesala, tibarn, giffca
playable in a weird way: oliver, shiharam, petrine, bryce, ashnard
non-playable: black knight, caineghis, dheginsea, gareth, greil, izuka, kurthnaga, leanne, lorazieh, nealuchi, sanaki, sigrun, lotz, zawana, ikanau, havetti, maijin, dakova, emil, balmer, kamura, nedata, kotaff, danomill, mackoya, seeker, norris, gashilama, kimaarsi, kayachey, homasa, kasatai, schaeffer, tomenami, lillia, rikard, gromell, bertram, hafedd, heddwyn, ramon, lekain, hetzel, rajaion
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (will avoid repeats from PoR)
playable: micaiah, edward, leonardo, nolan, laura, aran, meg, volug, fiona, vika, nailah, rafiel, heather, danved, lyre, kyza, skrimir, pelleas, renning, lehran
non-playable: agony, aimee, almedha, amy, ashunera, alder, ashera, burton, callum, catalena, daniel, djur, goran, isaiya, istvan, jarod, jorge, kezhda, laverton, levail, lombroso, ludveck, maiel, maraj, muston, nico, numida, pain, pugo, radmin, roark, rolf's mother, rommit, seliora, septimus, sephiran, sergei, silvano, tashoria, valtome, veyona, wystan, yeardley, yune, yuma, zaitan, zeffren, zelgius
Fire Emblem Awakening
playable: chrom, robin, lissa, frederick, sully, virion, stahl, vaike, miriel, sumia, kellam, donnel, lon'qu, ricken, maribelle, panne, gaius, cordelia, gregor, nowi, libra, tharja, olivia, cherche, henry, say'ri, tiki, basilio, flavia, gangrel, walhart, emmeryn, yen'fay, aversa, priam, lucina, owain, inigo, brady, kjelle, cynthia, severa, gerome, morgan, yarne, laurent, noire, nah
non-playable: validar, naga, grima, first exalt, garrick, phila, raimi, roddick, orton, victor, hierarch, vasto, chalard, campari, vincent, mustafa, dalton, ke'ri, gecko, jamil, xalbador, cassius, ruger, holland, nelson, morristan, gyral, dalen, nombry, ezra, ignatius, farber, cervantes, pheros, excellus, algol, mus, bovis, tigris, lepus, draco, anguilla, equus, ovis, simia, gallus, canis, porcus, zanth, ardri, old hubba
Fire Emblem Fates
playable: corrin, azura, felicia, jakob, kaze, silas, mozu, shura, izana, ryoma, hinoka, takumi, sakura, hana, subaki, saizo, orochi, rinkah, kagero, oboro, hinata, hayato, setsuna, azama, kaden, reina, yukimura, scarlet, xander, camilla, leo, elise, effie, nyx, arthur, charlotte, benny, beruka, selena (formerly severa), niles, odin (formerly owain), peri, laslow (formerly inigo), keaton, flora, gunter, fuga, kana, shigure, dwyer, midori, sophie, shiro, kiragi, caeldori, asugi, hisame, rhajat, mitama, selkie, siegbert, forrest, ignatius, nina, ophelia, percy, soleil, velouria
playable in a weird way: daniela, lloyd, llewelyn, haitaka, kumagera, nichol, candace, daichi, funke, senno, zhara, tarba, gazak
non-playable: garon, iago, mikoto, lilith, arete, sumeragi, anankos, kilma, hans, kotaro, omozu, anthony, zola, rainbow sage, katerina, ikona, layla, cassita, cadros
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
playable: byleth, sothis, edelgard, hubert, ferdinand, linhardt, caspar, bernadetta, dorothea, petra, dimitri, dedue, felix, ashe, sylvain, mercedes, annette, ingrid, claude, lorenz, raphael, ignatz, lysithea, marianne, hilda, leonie, yuri, balthus, constance, hapi, rhea, seteth, flayn, hanneman, manuela, gilbert, alois, catherine, shamir, cyril, jeralt, monica, tomas, jeritza, anna, aelfric
special little guys: gatekeeper, abysskeeper
non-playable: metodey, thales, solon, kronya, cornelia, myson, odesse, bias, chilon, pittacus, kostas, miklan, pallardó, acheron, baron dominic, baron ochs, christophe, claudia, count charon, count ordelia, count rowe, derick, duke gerth, emile, erwin, fleche, glenn, godfrey, grégoire, gwendal, holst, ionius ix, judith, klaus i, kyphon, ladislava, lambert, leopold, lonato, loog, ludwig, lycaon i, lycaon iii, margrave edmund, marquis vestra, matthias, nader, oswald, pan, patricia, randolph, rodrigue, rufus, tiana, volkhard, waldemar, wilhelm i, viscount kleiman, seiros, sitri, nemesis, indech, macuil, blaiddyd, charon, daphnel, dominic, fraldarius, gautier, gloucester, goneril, lamine, riegan, maurice, aubin, chevalier, noa, timotheos, luca, iris, chevalier, bernhard, gajus, wilhelm, marcelle, simone
Fire Emblem Engage
playable: alear, vander, clanne, framme, alfred, boucheron, etie, céline, louis, chloé, yunaka, alcryst, citrinne, lapis, diamant, amber, jade, ivy, zelkov, kagetsu, fogado, bunet, pandreo, timerra, merrin, panette, hortensia, seadall, rosado, goldmary, lindon, saphir, mauvier, veyle, jean, nel, nil, zelestia, gregory, madeline, rafal
non-playable: sombron, hyacinth, zephia, griss, marni, lumera, sommie, ève, morion, seforia, nelucce, teronda, rodine, abyme, mitan, totchie, tetchie, durthon, anisse, calney, pinet, sean, anje
while the emblems are said to be different from the canon version, i will be leaving them out since they're pretty much the same as the already listed characters
OCs from the Archanea Saga: frost, dice, malice, belf, roberto, reiden
OCs from the Cipher cards that aren't in the Echoes DLC: alice, valjean, niamh, poe
OCs from the warriors spinoffs not dividing them by playability because i dont care: rowan, lianna, darios, yelena, oskar, velezark, SHEZ!, arval/epimenides, berling, getz, lazley, simon, adrienne, jetz, baron gillingr, baron barnabas, viscount essar, viscount lochin, viscount hymir, viscount menja, viscount fenja, viscount mateus, viscount elidure, viscount gideon, count duval, marquis erebus, baron pryderi, baron mateus, viscount brennius, yvette, viscount enid, count geraint, baron müller, viscount siward, viscount albany, viscount burgundy, leif, anaximandros, dolofonos, the immaculate one, anselma, victoria, gunnar, krouffer, banfig, kite, morianne, laetitia, duke ifan, zoltan
OCs from that fuckass gacha game
playable in some way: kiran, alfonse, sharena, anna, gustav, henriette, askr, ash, bruno, veronica, letizia, embla, elm, nifl, fjorm, gunnthrá, hríd, ylgr, múspell, surtr, laegjarn, laevatein, helbindi, hel, eir, ymir, líf, thrasir, ganglöt, loki, thórr, peony, mirabilis, plumeria, triandra, freyr, freyja, eitr, ginnungagap, niðavellir, reginn, ótr, fáfnir, dagr, nótt, eitri, seiðr, heiðr, gullveig, kvasir, nerþuz, ratatoskr, heiðrún, eikþyrnir
non-playable: feh That Fucking Bird That I Hate, fehnix, hvergel, menja, angrboða, alfaðör, alfrik, billingr, dvalinn, grer, þjazi, veðrfölnir, njörðr, hræsvelgr, níðhöggr, læraðr
i am not listing the fucking alts. you get the point. never test me again.
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